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Science Art: Fractal Art; Art of Physio-biological process; Quantum Art




Modern man believes he has understood the world to divide it into pieces.  In this, he has misunderstood by way of separation, that which he seeks to comprehend.  There is no distinction between the creative process applied to art, or science; nor are there distinct scientific disciplines, physics is biology, is cosmology, is psychology…indeed… insight finds limit in division, not definition.  Please enjoy the art of science––quantum, psychological, fractal, universal, and ontological––round and round our attention shifts to focus, until we discover, it is in grasping the entire of all processes, that knowledge and beauty are both found to reside.  Please click a link to see the world of science and art…our aesthetic quantum connection…beauty itself becomes, the science of the heart.  

Peggi Wolfe: Fractal Art

Julie Rauer/Bruce Gemmell: the Art of Process

Li Jin: Quantum Spirit

Biography for Li Jin


Daniela Biganzoli (Dab): Our Hidden Connectivity


Biography for Daniela Biganzoli (Dab)












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