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It is often the case that money is required to access vital information.  That is wrong.  It is often the case that greed keeps hidden, important science and information which could help millions of people to stay healthy.  That is wrong.  Future-Life-Net will distribute health and science information as it should be distributed: for no cost.  Greed is valueless.  This work is distributed for informational purposes only and in no way is it to be construed as medical advice.

Please enjoy these articles, papers and books.  When human beings cooperate, there is no price taken…hence, the very greatest profit may then be had: Health and Knowledge.  


Please see the Quantum Human Paradigm section for further important information.


Beyond the Veil: Deception Truth and the Hidden Promise of Science by J. Dunning Davies and R. Norman


Parkinson's, Profit and People: The science money wants hidden


Parkinson's, Profit and People: The science money wants hidden, pt. 2


Mind Map: Psychological Topography and an approach to a new creative psychology or... The Secret of Happiness by Rich Norman


Coronary Heart Disease Work Up ––2015 by Dr. S. Shanmugam




Who Fired Prometheus? The historical genesis and ontology of super-ego and the castration complex: The destructuralization and repair of modern personality. An essay in five parts.


The Quantitative Unconscious: A Psychoanalytic Perturbation-Theoretic Approach to the Complexity of Neuronal Systems in the Neuroses


The System of Affective Assignment


The Pharmacology of Murder: SSRI Drugs, Hysterical Psychosis, 5-HT and Repression

Limbic connectivity and sympathetic neural balance: the primary psycho-physiological locus of affect


5-HT and repression: The key Indoleamine––the unconscious gateway: of civilization, creativity and hell


Triadic Quantum Energy


Multi-Level Investigation on "Telepathy": Frontiers on Trans-Disciplinary Science & Art:  QUANTUM - ENTANGLEMENT & TELEPATHY & VIRTUAL REALITY


DNA and Music


BIO-Quantum PHYSICS: DNA/RNA As an Information Energy Catalyst in Life Systems


“ENTANGLEMENT THEORY” : from q.Particles to q.Bits and from q.Bits to q.Particles Conceptual contradictions of Quantum mechanics and some revision and new cognitive proposals of Bio-Q.Physics


Beyond Entanglement: Splitting of the Dual Nature of Quantum Wave Particles


SELF-ORGANIZATION and ENERGY CONVERSION -Quantum –Bio-Physics ( II – part )


REMOTE CONTROL by DNA as a Bio-sensor-antenna

Quantum Space Time Matrix


Papers authored by Arvydas Tamulis are available here:

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