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Modern Man is functioning under a linear paradigm of exploitation and gain, based in monetary valuation.  This has led our race toward the same conclusion again and again: social division, war and the destruction of the environment.  Physics itself holds an answer.  History holds the reason.  Below you will find many pieces of information presented from various perspectives.  There is physical science, philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, prose and verse which detail both the problem, and the answer.  Please do read closely, because this is important.  If you favor science or literature matters not.  The answer is as beautiful and natural, as the question is cancerous.  There is an antidote for the sickness of the modern condition, and this kernel of hope and health is already here, a jewel held close within.  Only a terrible mistake could hide such a thing.  Please read... and discover the fact: there is hope.  There is a new human paradigm.   ––Rich Norman

Work by Paolo Manzelli:  


Triadic Quantum Energy     


Multi-Level Investigation on "Telepathy": Frontiers on Trans-Disciplinary Science & Art:  QUANTUM - ENTANGLEMENT & TELEPATHY & VIRTUAL REALITY


DNA and Music


BIO-Quantum PHYSICS: DNA/RNA As an Information Energy Catalyst in Life Systems


“ENTANGLEMENT THEORY” : from q.Particles to q.Bits and from q.Bits to q.Particles Conceptual contradictions of Quantum mechanics and some revision and new cognitive proposals of Bio-Q.Physics


Beyond Entanglement: Splitting of the Dual Nature of Quantum Wave Particles


SELF-ORGANIZATION and ENERGY CONVERSION -Quantum –Bio-Physics ( II – part )


REMOTE CONTROL by DNA as a Bio-sensor-antenna


Quantum Space Time Matrix


The quantum interpretation of perception and the change of knowledge in science and contemporary art


Break Barriers of Social Responsibility in Science and Art


Quantum Brain Theory



Work by Rich Norman:


Quantum Unconscious Pre-Space: A Psychoanalytic/Neuroscientific Analysis of the Cognitive Science of Elio Conte–– The Hard Problem of Consciousness, New Approaches and Directions

as published in the journal Neuroquantology


Neuroquantology and the Cartesian Dualism: The bitter cleft of a closed mind


Human scientificism: Proof and the new paradigm––our faithless faith


What if Roger's right? a. Reality and the quantum basis of affect––b. Entangled intraconnectivity
and universal cognition––c. Temporal Mass


The Affect Information Model of Physical Consciousness: A=O


Quantum Information Medicine: Bit as It—The Future Direction of Medical Science: Antimicrobial and Other Potential Nontoxic Treatments, as featured in the World Journal of Neuroscience


A Novel Idea: From Symptom to Sublimation

Our Lost Heart of Light


The Dream Temple


Competition, Cooperation, and the Death of the American Family


Our Two Worlds: Essay, Verse and Pearl


The Remedy


From Spirituality to Neuroscience: Our Harvest of a Bounteous Knowledge––A Nested Scientificism


Who Fired Prometheus? The historical genesis and ontology of super-ego and the castration complex: The destructuralization and repair of modern personality. An essay in five parts. 


Sublimation by Integration: the new paradigm of human personality––a psychical fusion


Brahma and universal process identification: Enlightenment––a psychoanalytic perspective

The Pharmacology of Murder: SSRI Drugs, Hysterical Psychosis, 5-HT and Repression

5-HT and repression: The key Indoleamine––the unconscious gateway: of civilization, creativity and hell


Limbic connectivity and sympathetic neural balance: the primary psycho-physiological locus of affect


A Place Beneath Silence: Quantum entanglement and limbic-OFC dynamism––a human question


Oneness: A specific analytic account of primary omni-objective ontological reunification. Self as an active identifier in primary empathy: attachments and dynamic analyses.


Evolutionary speculation from a-priori observation: Structural and content specific transformations in unconscious dynamism and phylogenetic redistribution––the healthy unconscious


Phylogeny and regression: the past brightly unbound––Essay and verse


Object, archetype, and the social myth of conditional regard: The applied neuroscience of social healing.


Re-Polarization Theory: Alteration of traumatic memory––The Practical Reconstruction of Modern Personality







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