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           !! The US Government Has Poisoned the Cannabis Crop !!


I am Rich Norman:

School of Advanced International Studies on Applied Theoretical

and Non Linear Methodologies of Physics, Bari, Italy.

Editor, Mind magazine; Editor, Journal of Unconscious Psychology;

Scientific Advisor Thunder Energies Corporation.


This site exists to provide a nexus of information concerning the coming war and human psychology, the poisoning of the biome and humanity, and the answer to those problems.   This site has been hastily assembled in order to immediately address the poisoning of the local cannabis crop, food, air and water by the US government.  If I delay for any reason, many in the Oregon/California area will suffer illness.  The citizens of this land are being poisoned.  The following link will access the book: The Answer: Roadmap for a New Humanity.  I have never written so quickly in all of my life.  You may download the full file from that link.  The depth and details are within that text.  Please read it.  I will soon be too ill to explain.  What follows is vital: basic information related to the current poisoning of the cannabis crop with industrial pollutants and geoengineering.  Find test procedures and suggested labs down the page.  The answer to the problems is contained within the aforementioned book.


Geoengineering is an ongoing program which is unacknowledged even as it is being normalized with horrid lies such as those within the crap movie Geostorm.  I have deduced that geoengineering conceals a foolish weapons system, and the chemical spraying is most likely orchestrated to block the solar radiation caused by damage to the ozone due to plasma and microwave weapons and weather modification tools, and, compensate for secondary heating and other effects.  This geoengineering approach however, causes further damage.  The global hot spots, droughts and heat, the white sun like a welder’s spark, the intense storms and climate instability all may be attributed to geoengineering itself, which does nothing but destabilize the climate and is utterly illegal as it experiments upon us all without our consent.   Test your rain water. PLEASE. Use a certified lab, try Basic Lab in California.  They are good folks and the work is excellent.  Does the rain contain heavy metals?  Metals found in the pure rain?   Aluminum, strontium, barium?  If so, you know what I say is true, for there should be no significant aluminum and heavy metals in the air and water unless you are near a coal plant or another source of industrial pollution.  Those metals are used to manipulate and change the structural and optical qualities of clouds.  It also allows radar and microwave manipulation of cloud structures.  Barium and strontium enable creation, observation and manipulation of effects.  These metals, particularly the aluminum, are deadly to the soil and each living thing.  These are very tiny particles designed to stay airborne and act as refractive and ‘nucleating agents,’ meaning raindrops form around them.  Engineered Nanoparticles (imagine as many as 50,000 across the breadth of a single human hair) [] and other very tiny particles are used.  Nanoparticles defeat human biological defenses, and lodge directly in the brain and other organs and tissues.  The cheapest of the geoengineering mix is coal fly ash, the waste product of burning coal.  This will destroy the soil and biome, kill us all, and has already poisoned the cannabis crop.  All this harm, probably for a foolish weapon and surely to serve immense greed.  The science proving the connection to cheap coal fly ash which contains the needed metals to manipulate clouds, is suppressed by the government.  Read excellent papers by Dr. Marvin Herndon here:


Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health


Further Evidence of Coal Fly Ash Utilization in Tropospheric Geoengineering: Implications on Human and Environmental Health




Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India


Human and environmental dangers posed by ongoing global tropospheric arosolized particulates for weather modification


Cannabis should contain no aluminum, no strontium, no barium, etc.  In short, cannabis should not contain industrial toxins associated with coal plants and smelters.  If your cannabis does contain them, it will cause the very diseases it in fact cures!


Please read here and understand the curative power of this benevolent medicine.  See below for partial list of diseases treatable.


Free e-book: Future’s Mirror: the endocannabinoid system in human pathology (download v2 reference version, please).


Hard copy: Future’s Mirror: the endocannabinoid system in human pathology



Now you may see the cannabis test I have gathered here in southern Oregon.  My once healthy and pure air, water and cannabis, are now making me quite ill. During the height of the spraying the toxins were thick. A pan of fresh water left out for a week developed 309 ugl aluminum, 73.6 barium, .4 molybdenum, 173 strontium, 1.4 vanadium––FROM THE AIR! Here are the results, and the actual file for the cannabis tests.  Cannabis absorbs toxins and radiation as well.



Cannabis [H-4 from last year; White flower, this year; (note ~4-fold rise in aluminum)].


Cannabis tests (pdf below in mobile device)


See below for interpretation of results.


The cannabis, just like my body, the water and air––are poisoned.  The levels were so high this year, the medicine made me ill, hence the tests.  Please test the cannabis.  Do not smoke, consume or sell poison. Cannabis never causes Cancer, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, in fact: it treats them!  Please test the cannabis.   


Industrial toxins associated with geoengineering, coal fly ash and engineered nanoparticulates cause diseases:


Bondi SC. Prolonged exposure to low levels of aluminum leads to changes associated with

brain aging and neurodegenreation. Toxicol. 2014;315:1-7. 26. 


Good PF, Olanow CW, Perl DP. Neuromelanin-containing neurons of the substantia nigra accumulate iron and aluminum in

parkinson's disease: A lamma study. Brain Research. 1992;593:343-346.


Prasunpriya N. Aluminum: Impacts and disease. Environ. Res. 2002;82:101-115.


Rondeau V, Jacqmin-Gadda H, Ciommenges D, Helmer C, Dartigues JF. Aluminium and silica

in drinking water and the risk of alzheimer's disease or cognitive decline: Findings from 15-

year follow-up of the paquid cohort. Am. J. Epidemiol. 2009; 169:489-496.


Yokel RA, Rhineheimer SS, Sharma P, Elmore D, McNamara PJ. Entry, half-life and

desferrioxamine-accelerated clearance of brain aluminum after a single al-26 exposure.

Toxicol. Sci. 2001;64:77


Aluminium oxide nanoparticles induce mitochondrial-mediated oxidative stress and alter the

expression of antioxidant enzymes in human mesenchymal stem cells. Ali A. Alshatwi,

Periasamy Vaiyapuri Subbarayan, E. Ramesh, Amal A. Al-Hazzani, Mohammed A. Alsaif &

Abdulrahman A. Alwarthan Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A Vol. 30 , Iss. 1,2013


Size-Dependent Neurotoxicity of Aluminum Oxide Particles: a Comparison Between Nanoand

Micrometer Size on the Basis of Mitochondrial Oxidative Damage. Mirshafa A Nazari

M Jahani D Shaki F Biol Trace Elem Res. 2017 Aug 30. doi: 10.1007/s12011-017-1142-8.


Neurotoxicity of nanoscale materials


Uptake of Silica Nanoparticles: Neurotoxicity and Alzheimer-like Pathology in Human SK-N-SH and Mouse Neuro2a Neuroblastoma Cells


Nanoparticles Can Damage DNA, Increase Cancer Risk


Neurotoxicity of silica nanoparticles: brain localization and dopaminergic neurons damage pathways


Size-Dependent Neurotoxicity of Aluminum Oxide Particles: a Comparison Between Nano- and Micrometer Size on the Basis of Mitochondrial Oxidative Damage


Aluminum feminizes Human offspring!


“. . . workers in the aluminum industry (Milham, 1993), and others exposed to organochlorine, as well as other pesticides, and

waste anesthetic gases (Wyatt & Wilson, 1973) had significantly more female than male offspring.”

Rittler, Mônica, & Castilla, Eduardo E.. (2002). Endocrine disruptors and congenital anomalies. Cadernos de Saúde

Pública, 18(2), 421-428.


The list is extensive and staggering.


Please test the cannabis!  Geoengineering must end: IMMEDIATELY!  The human race must not be made sick with poison, the biome must be preserved.


How to test cannabis.


To test cannabis a certified lab which specializes in Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS) should be used.  One example is Specialty Analytical.  I was satisfied with their attention to detail.  This in no way supposes other certified and equipped facilities are not available.  


What do the results mean?


If you read state regulations concerning carcinogens and toxins, you soon understand that zero is the right amount. There are no guidelines for these toxins as found in cannabis.  Over time, the effects of toxins like these will probably cause disease, but the amount which definitely makes one sick and does so in short order must not be approached in any way.  I was able to use the cannabis last year with levels of aluminum at 5720 ug/Kg, strontium at 30,900 ug/Kg, and barium 1140.  This year at 25,700 aluminum, 26,000 strontium, and barium 2780, I became ill immediately.  The spraying itself also by way of inhalation must have preloaded my system.  Please note the increase for aluminum from 5720 last year, to 25,700 this year.  I believe quite strongly this massive increase of nearly 4-fold indicates an excess of the upper limit which could possibly be acceptable.  This amount makes one ill, all but instantly.  This is my personal experience.  I do feel that the aluminum dosage 25,700 ug/Kg in cannabis is sure to cause harm and dementia, possibly even death over a fairly short while.  I judge this by my bodily response to ingesting it.  My entire crop of medicine has been poisoned.  


These bastards are killing me…and you.   READ ON!


The US government has poisoned my body, my rain, my water, air, medicine and crops. Cannabis functions as a bio-accumulator removing radiation and heavy metals from soil. I will soon test for the radioactive constituents of coal fly ash, thorium, uranium and others.  My wife and I are sure to get throat and oral cancer, lung tumors and chest problems for me are clearly assured, my chest and voice are raw.  Our tongues are both numb, likely from free airborne silica or another constituent.  We have been poisoned.  

Is that all I am certain to contract, and my wife as well?  No.  From:

Strontium overload and toxicity: impact on renal osteodystrophy. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002;17 Suppl 2:30-4. Cohen-Solal M

“Studies have demonstrated an association between the accumulation of strontium in bone and the presence of osteomalacia. . . . Studies indicated that the accumulation of metals in bone might be synergistic.  Aluminium bone content was shown to be higher when both aluminium and strontium were administered compared with when only strontium was given.”


Strontium substitutes for calcium!

I believe that: Multiple myeloma, cancers of the bone and aluminum related bone diseases are assured.  Aluminum is a cumulative toxin!  From:

Aluminium and bone disease in chronic renal failure

Malluche HH  Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002;17 Suppl 2:21-4.


“Because aluminium is sequestered in bone for long periods, its toxic effects are cumulative. As a result, even intermittent or low-dose use of aluminium-based phosphate binders adds to the total load of this toxin in the bone; thus, aluminium use is inadvisable, even for a 'rescue indication’.”

Now you know what awaits you if there is aluminum and strontium in the rain, or in the medicine!!


Please test the cannabis.  


A movie for you: FrankenSkies:


Scientists discuss these topics:


Go here for more information on geoengineering:


Dane Wigington



The daemon we face is worldwide.

Used with permission of geoengineering watch and Dane Wigington  (mobile device see my test result pdf here)



Is any of this legal?  NO!


1078. RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF HUMAN SUBJECTS FOR TESTING OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS, is a good law, a law in our right-minded US Code which comes of Nuremberg, please read it. 



(a) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary of Defense may not

conduct (directly or by contract)—

(1) any test or experiment involving the use of a chemical

agent or biological agent on a civilian population; or

(2) any other testing of a chemical agent or biological

agent on human subjects.

(b) EXCEPTIONS.—Subject to subsections (c), (d), and (e), the

prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply to a test or experiment

carried out for any of the following purposes:

(1) Any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical,

therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or

research activity.

(2) Any purpose that is directly related to protection against

toxic chemicals or biological weapons and agents.

(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any purpose

related to riot control.

(c) INFORMED CONSENT REQUIRED.—The Secretary of Defense

may conduct a test or experiment described in subsection (b) only

if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human

subject in advance of the testing on that subject.

(d) PRIOR NOTICE TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 30 days after

the date of final approval within the Department of Defense of

plans for any experiment or study to be conducted by the Department

of Defense (whether directly or under contract) involving

the use of human subjects for the testing of a chemical agent

or a biological agent, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to

the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee

on National Security of the House of Representatives a report

setting forth a full accounting of those plans, and the experiment

or study may then be conducted only after the end of the 30-

day period beginning on the date such report is received by those


(e) BIOLOGICAL AGENT DEFINED.—In this section, the term

‘‘biological agent’’ means any micro-organism (including bacteria,

viruses, fungi, rickettsiac, or protozoa), pathogen, or infectious substance,

and any naturally occurring, bioengineered, or synthesized

component of any such micro-organism, pathogen, or infectious substance,

whatever its origin or method of production, that is capable

of causing—

(1) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a

human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism;

(2) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or

materials of any kind; or

(3) deleterious alteration of the environment.



Please remember the warning of Eisenhower concerning the Military Industrial Complex, and know––he was exactly right.


Here is a partial list of the diseases treatable with benevolent Cannabis:




Allergic conditions








Bipolar disorder


Brain Trauma




Cystic Fibrosis 














ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Syndrome)


Alzheimer's Disease






The Cancers


Breast cancer


Cervical cancer




Colorectal cancer


Glioma (brain cancer)




Liver Cancer


Lung Cancer








Oral Cancer


Pancreatic cancer


Prostate cancer


Squamous cell carcinoma


Thyroid cancer










Heart Protection




Parkinson’s Disease


For more information click here and download the free file:

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